Monday, December 12, 2016

the usual garbage

Take a look at this garbage.

Just like so much other garbage

Friday, December 9, 2016

Should you have doubts about Modern Art, its isms, critics and artists such as Pollock, Rothko, de Kooning, and even Cezanne, Picasso, and Matisse. This book will offer you a view from the other side. After ninety years of Artspeak jargon, it's time for some serious counter criticism. To that end, I will supply understandable technical reasons for rejecting that facet of modern art that should really be called Modern Academic
This book is for the general reader to whom I offer serious points written in clear English couched in humor rather than inflated academese, along with relevant personal experiences in the art world and my amusing adventures in art education. High value Modern Art is the creation of a “System” a clever exercise by dealers, critics and curators designed to con rich buyers who feel they must cover the walls of their mansions with fashionably painted investments.
By opposing the guardians of fashion and the manufacturers of its high priced products embellished with coveted signatures, this book will undoubtedly offend many people. So before my detractors send out their police dogs and accuse me of writing a book that is analytical, negative, sarcastic, contrarian, cynical and clearly disrespectful, let me assure them here and now, that they are completely correct.
From the introduction of my book “Modern Art a Portrait of Mediocrity.”

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Picasso Prince of Ugliness

The chapter,
Picasso Prince of Ugliness in my book   “Modern Art a Portrait of Mediocrity”, quotes the his often quoted famous statement referring to children and Raphael : , “When I was their age I could draw like Raphael, but it took me a lifetime to learn to draw like them.”
"The closest Picasso came to Raphael was when he stood next to one in a museum."

Monday, December 5, 2016

" I have been endlessly confronted with the  final defense of Official Modern Art which roughly distills into two arguments, “I like it,” and “you “don’t understand it.” No one can refute what adds up to saying “I like it,” other than to saying, “I don’t like it.” “You don’t understand it,” is another matter. The counter arguments to that are found throughout this book."
Quote from my book, Modern Art a portrait of Mediocrity.
Picasso’s early drawing was average art student. His famous charcoal copies of sculpture are bad copies from Charles Bargue, the main book used by students at the time. Picasso was a third illustrator. 
Early on some idiot critic claimed he could draw like Raphael and all the idiots who followed repeated it. “The closest Picasso came to Raphael was when he stood near one in the museum.”

Friday, December 2, 2016

an answer to a post

My book, "Modern Art a Portrait of Mediocrity" explains exactly why suckers pay big money for Future Garbage like childish drawing, splats and schmiers of paint or potsches of color.

Thursday, December 1, 2016