Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Phyllida Barlow  reviewed in the "Guardian." and my comment was.removed.

This is just a bit of what inhabits the bottom of the Modern Academic Art toilet. As the Official Modern Art Establishment continues making fortunes pushing this sort of crap and prevents the media from printing any voice from the other side while controlling what is allowed in the modern sections of museums, this toilet will grow and continue filling.

Read about it in “Modern Art Future Garbage”.


Sunday, May 7, 2017


Peruse  https://news.artnet.com/market/the-best-works-at-frieze-new-york-948062
The usual garbage with familiar and unfamiliar names.

Elsworth Kelly
As hard as he tried at pattern design, he never got beyond Malevich. 
His prices will rise if owners sell . The guy just died.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Artnet News recommendation

Check out the prices for these idiotic works.
If you want to know the latest news from the Official Modern Art Establishment subscribe to or just peruse “Artnet News,” It is the voice of the worst of dealer approved Modern Academic Art and by all means check the their auction pages . Added to this you will find the latest idiotic gossip along with honest reporting about the latest scandals and the latest Artspeak reviews. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Quote from my book... Modern Art a Portrait of Mediocrity

From Classical Greece and the Renaissance onward, art and science have enjoyed a fusion. New techniques appeared, such as the invention of realistic perspective, oil paint, new pigments, printing methods, photography, and acrylic paint to name a few. The very newest art techniques are dominated by computer graphics.
Computer usage in art is now well established and will be increasingly governed by science and technology. Computers can simulate all former art tools and media. Even at present, computers allow the artist to easily make entirely new moves, which in skilled hands produce fine artistic work rivaling the art of the past. In order to use this revolutionary medium, artists will still have to acquire some former skills along with many new ones. Complex painting and 3D programs are now available to all. Computer art has invaded all the media: fine art, film, computer games, illustration, and design. However, even though images are now produced in ever greater numbers, only the best work stands out. Even with computers, not many artists will demonstrate the skills of an Ingres or a Leonardo.
Ever growing data-bases of 3D models are increasingly available. Sometime soon, artificial intelligence will allow the artist to verbally ask the computer for any object he wants in his setting. Then, at the artist’s command, the computer will supply moveable selections and lighting of 3D images.
As for MAA, the finest decorative abstract pattern designs can easily be created. All great artwork will be digitally reproduced in resolutions and detail far surpassing anything today. 
Exactly what the future has in store is a guess but you can definitely expect reams of protest about it. In spite of philosophical double-talk, all images are at base, information.

The big aesthetic difference between science and art is that the arts can be immediately perceived and enjoyed with little understanding, while science requires an intricate learned foundation for its appreciation. Comparatively speaking, for those who really understand science some might say that science is more beautiful than art.