Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Phoney Abstract expressionism.
 A few dealers said about 40% of that stuff were forgeries. Forgery is the best critic to show what a bunch crap a lot of Official Modern Art is.
Quote from:   https://news.artnet.com/art-world/christopher-rothko-david-anfam-knoedler-fraud-trial-417995?utm_campaign=artnetnews&utm_source=020216daily&utm_medium=email
“When Christopher Rothko, Mark Rothko's son, took the stand Monday at the United States District Court in Manhattan to testify in the fraud trial concerning Knoedler & Co., he was presented with a document that claimed he had “recognized" a painting as a work by his father. It was a document that the gallery had used to convince potential buyers of the work's authenticity. Rothko dismissed the document, saying that he never authenticates works of art.
Rothko, along with art historian David Anfam (who authored the Mark Rothko catalogue raisonné) and plaintiff Eleanore De Sole, were the three witnesses who took the stand Monday in the trial in the lawsuit brought by Domenico De Sole and his wife Eleanore against Knoedler & Company and its former director and president Ann Freedman for selling them a fake work of art purportedly by Mark Rothko....
...The suit is the only one to come to trial in an array of fraud lawsuits brought over a trove of artworks by Abstract Expressionists that the gallery sold after buying them from the Spanish dealer Glafira Rosales. They had supposedly come from the son of a secretive Swiss collector. The gallery has settled out of court with other defrauded buyers.”
Read about forgery in my book,   Modern Art a Portrait of Mediocrity

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